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清风伴花舞 发表于 2021-3-1 03:57:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  下面的总结分为 4 大类:
  基础替换词:比如 since、as、due to 等
  从句和句型:比如 which leads to、with 结构等
  表达的转述:比如 be responsible for 等
  不完全替换:比如 by dint of 等
  其中重点推荐第 2 种和第 3 种方式,希望各位小烤鸭看完后会觉得非常实用,以至于下次写到 because的时候可能都会觉得不替换不舒服。
  一. 不完全替换
  1. in this way 这样
  例句:In this way, themanager develops a powerful data base of information.
  2. as long as 只要
  例句:There are few moral limits imposed, so long as what happens is between consenting adults.
  3. 一定程度表示“因为”,后面接句子,但是相对非常少用了:
  insomuch as
  inasmuch as
  insomuch that
  insofar as
  insofar that
  例句1:The economic forecastfor the coming decade looks promising, inasmuch as wecan predict that far in advance.
  例句2:The present studywas limited in this regard insofar that behavior change was not assessed.
  4. 表示“考虑到,鉴于”的意思:
  seeing that
  in consideration of
  in view of the fact that
  例句1:Given such adramatic impact on children's lives, one might expecttoday's high divorce rate to be viewed more widely as a national crisis.
  例句2:Seeing that thereis often poor visibility, the site chosen as an airportis not appropriate.
  5. in order to
  in order that 为了
  例句:All the parts for this kind of machinemust be made of especially strong materials in order that they will not breakwhile in use .
  6. out of 从…中来
  例句:Confidence enables you to win, and by winning you get enjoyment out of the game.
  7. not … until 直到…才
  例句:It is not until the recent nuclear leakagethat the increasingly dangerous nature of the nuclear power has become clear.
  8. by dint of 凭借
  例句:Trying new and different products by dintof what new and different labels show up on the bar has become second nature tothem.
  二. 表达的转述
  1. be responsible for / be held accountablefor 负责任
  例句:Low-cost airline travel has beenresponsible for the marked growth in the number of passengers who take trips onscheduled airlines.
  2. be a major culprit in 是…的罪魁祸首
  例句:It is said that carbon pollution is amajor culprit in driving the planet into ecological overdraft.
  3. be instrumental to 有帮助的
  例句:This state of affairs, if not changed, will not be instrumental tothe implementation of the Tax Law.
  4. come from 来自于,由于
  例句:A dignity comes from being in control.
  5. stem from 基于
  例句:Many of the universities' problems stemfrom rapid expansion.
  6. breed 孕育,导致
  例句:There is ample historical evidence thatgovernment control over banks' lending canbreed cronyism and misallocation offunds.
  7. be derived from 源自于
  例句:Technical goals are not terriblymeaningful to the success of a product unless they are derived from the need tomeet other more human-oriented goals.
  8.generate 产生
  例句:It is falsely believed that higher taxesand more state involvement in the economy cangenerate prosperity.
  9. create 造成,引起
  例句:Eliminating such inequalities in the earlyyears of life would simply create a new kind of inequality, driven by genetics.
  10. play a major role in 扮演重要角色
  例句:Efficiency,courtesy, and trustworthiness may play a major role inproduct differentiation.
  11. be associated with / be implicated in 和…有关
  例句:Smoking cigarette is known to beimplicated in the development of some cancers.
  12.account for 是…的原因,合理解释
  例句:Even if correct,however, this explanation would not account for thehealth problems of their younger daughter, who has notyet attended high school.
  13.in the wake of 接踵而来
  例句:In the wake of developments in science andtechnology, man has become more capable of conqueringnature.
  14. stimulated by / spurred by 在…的刺激下
  例句1:Stimulated by thefavorable policies, industry of animation and comicsgradually prospered and made remarkable achievements.
  例句2:Stimulated byfactors such as increase in the investment, theindustrial growth was accelerated.
  15. trigger 名词动词均可,表示:引发,(不良的反应的)起因
  例句:the power outage was triggered by heavyrains.
  The trigger for the strike was the closure ofyet another factory.
  16. spark off 引发(一般不好的结果)
  例句:Changes in ecosystems could lead to social, economic and political change, andcouldspark off wars.
  17. occasion 引起
  例句:The failure of the crops occasioned therise in price.
  18.conduce to 有助于
  例句:Each producer, inpaying his quota of the taxes levied generally for the construction of roads, pays for the use of those which conduce to his convenience.
  19. incur 带来(成本、花费等)
  例句:A disunited nation has to incur undulyhigh costs of government.
  20. ensue 接着发生(不及物动词) / ensure from 结果产生于
  例句1:Consequently, there can be a lot of competition during the negotiations thatensue afterward.
  例句2:The evils ensuefrom lack of astable government.
  21. by virtue of 由于(中性词)
  例句1:By virtue of thissuperior quality, this product is often sold out ofstock in many areas.
  例句2:Plastic bags areuseful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue oftheir clearness, toughness, andlow cost.
  22. on the score of 因为
  例句:There is another possibility on the scoreof fresh evidence.

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