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清风伴花舞 发表于 2020-2-20 15:59:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  明确了什么是文科和理科后,接下来我们来看一下什么是文科思维,什么是理科思维,我敢打包票,80%说这两个词的人都不知道自己在说什么。网上搜了下,有人说文科思维是感性的情绪化的,理科思维是理性的冷静的;还有人说理科更需要依靠逻辑,文科更依赖直觉想象。可以负责任地讲, That’s bull shit!提出以上描述的人完全混淆了文科和艺术。社会学,商科,经济,法律对逻辑和理性的要求都非常高,完全不是某些人以为的靠直觉和感性。倒是之前笔者在某个微信群里看到有老哥的描述挺不错:理科的研究方式更偏向于定量,而文科的研究方式更偏向于定性。著名经济学家米塞斯有一句名言:经济学是定性的而非定量的。
  回到我们的主题,真的是 “理科思维” 和 “文科思维”在左右我们阅读理解文章的程度么?答案是瞎扯。因为这两种思维的差别本身就有点伪命题的感觉。其实别整那些没有用的,思维只有好的思维能力和坏的思维能力的差别。好的思维能力需要好的逻辑思维能力。很多人在为自己理解不了文章或者表达不清楚找借口的时候说自己理科思维或文科思维时其实是在偷懒,根本没有找到任何问题。直接说自己阅读方法有问题或掌握不熟练,逻辑理解能力有问题,或者自己脑子不清楚还更具体明确些。
  The GRErevised General Test 这个考试是一般能力考试,意思是学习任何专业的人都可以来考,所以对GRE阅读文章的理解不需要专业背景知识,它考察的既不是“文科思维” 也不是 ”理科思维“,而是普遍的能力,官方标榜要考的 “reasoning” ”critical thinking” 是不分文理的。文章的题材只是载体形式,无论什么题材,它要考察的逻辑和推理才是内核。有时候,某一些主题,对象和词换成其他的主题,对象和词,文章的内核没有任何变化,而读懂这个内核才重要。这就好比很多中国男人到了一定年龄,都会进入茅台护肝,中华护肺的阶段,每一个山东男孩长大后都想买一辆奥迪A6(以前是A4),大部分中国普通男孩(尤其北方男孩)梦想有钱后买ABB(奥迪,奔驰,宝马),大部分中国普通女孩希望结婚时收到”恒久远,永流传“的钻石,其实这里的茅台,中华,奥迪,奔驰,宝马,钻石本身是什么并不重要,他们所代表的稀缺的地位和金钱的象征意义菜是关键,没有这些东西,自然会有其他东西来代替他们的生态位。
  GeorgeMilner cites three primary problems with the labeling of Cahokia, the large archaeological site by the Mississippi River, as a state rather than a chiefdom. First,finds at Cahokia are essentially similar to finds at other Mississippianchiefdoms, except that the amount of earth moved inbuilding the mounds at Cahokia was greater than elsewhere. Second, fewer people lived at Cahokia than is commonly estimated (Milnerestimates that there were only a few thousand inhabitants, more common estimates are 10,000 or 20,000 inhabitants); therefore, extensive taxes, trade, and tribute were not necessary to support them. Finally, while there is evidence of extensive earth movement, craftwork, trade,and elite at Cahokia, this does not indicate thatCahokia was politically centralized, economicallyspecialized, or aggressively expansionistic.

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 楼主| 清风伴花舞 发表于 2020-2-20 16:01:05 | 只看该作者
  一篇文科类文章,这个文章的内核是什么?一句一句分析:   George Milner cites three primary problems with the labeling of Cahokia, the large archaeological site by the Mississippi River, as a state rather than a chiefdom.   GM认为将Cahokia当作state而不是chiefdom是有3个主要问题的。Cahokia, state 以及 chiefdom 这几个词本身的意思根本不重要,我们知道的是接下来一定会从3各方面论述Cahokia为什么不应该是state而应该是chiefdom。所以以下这几句话的主线作用在读之前就已经明确了。   First, finds at Cahokia are essentially similar to finds at other Mississippian chiefdoms, except that the amount of earth moved in building the mounds at Cahokia was greater than elsewhere.   第一方面,大方向没问题,阐述 Cahokia 更像 chiefdom 而不是state。我们需要把握的是 “the amount of earth moved in building the mounds at Cahokia was greater than elsewhere” 属于state的特点。而语义如果看不懂,在这里也没什么大碍。   Second, fewer people lived at Cahokia than is commonly estimated (Milner estimates that there were only a few thousand inhabitants, more common estimates are 10,000 or20,000 inhabitants); therefore, extensive taxes, trade, and tribute were not necessary to support them.   第二方面,比预计的人少,因此 extensivetaxes, trade, and tribute 就没必要了。需要把握 “比预计人少” 是chiefdom的特点,“extensivetaxes, trade, and tribute” 是state的特点。   Finally, while there is evidence of extensive earth movement, craftwork, trade, andelite at Cahokia, this does not indicate that Cahokia was politically centralized, economically specialized, or aggressively expansionistic.   最后一方面,需要把握“extensive earth movement, craftwork, trade, and elite” 是state的特点,“politically centralized, economically specialized, or aggressively expansionistic”也是state的特点。   所以如果用不同颜色标注 state 和 cheifdom 相关的特点:   George Milner cites three primary problems with the labeling of Cahokia, the large archaeological site by the Mississippi River, as a state rather than a chiefdom. First, finds at Cahokia are essentially similar to finds at other Mississippian chiefdoms, except that the amount of earth moved in building the mounds at Cahokiawas greater than elsewhere. Second, fewer people lived at Cahokia than is commonly estimated (Milner estimates that there were only a few thousand inhabitants, more common estimates are 10,000 or 20,000 inhabitants); therefore, extensivetaxes, trade, and tribute were not necessary to support them. Finally, while there is evidence of extensive earth movement,  craftwork, trade, and elite at Cahokia, this does not indicate that Cahokia was politically centralized, economically specialized, or aggressively expansionistic.   其中有一个题这么问:   The passage implies that political centralization is a feature that   A. has not historically tended to emerge in centers with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants   B. distinguished other Mississippian chiefdoms from Cahokia   C. is considered characteristic of state but not of chiefdoms   D. often results from aggressive expansionism and economic specialization   E. has historically been necessary for extensive trade to occur   答案是C.   其实这个题干中的 political centralization 换成文章中所有红色字体的特点都是一样的,都是state的特点,而且我们根本不需要去追究什么是 political centralization,当然知道没什么坏处。   事实上这篇文章变成一篇理科类文章,所考察的逻辑也是不会有任何变化的。   所以很多人在抱怨看不懂理科或文科文章的时候,其实根本不是文科思维或理科思维在作祟,可能是因为词句的问题,或者更有可能是根本没有运用适合的阅读方式去读出题人需要读者读出来的东西,可能他(她)就在死磕需要一些背景才能完全理解的语义,而忽略了阅读文章最核心的逻辑。   所以文科生也好,理科生也好,他们的区别可以是他们学的学科不一样,进而所擅长的研究方式会不一样,但是我不觉得一个人因为学了文科而进化出一种 “文科思维”,变得很难理解需要比较强逻辑能力的东西,那些理解不了的人可能学文科之前逻辑能力就不行;同理,一个人也不会因为学了理科而进化出一种“理科思维”,逻辑不错,但说话说不利索写文章表达不清,联想能力不行了。我见过好多逻辑能力很强的文科生,也见过很多表达能力很强的理科生。所以别整那些没有用的,不要拿文科思维和理科思维作借口,表达不清楚,或理解文章有问题,要去寻找更本质的问题所在。
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